So our 2 youngest girls share a room in our new house & when we first moved in we just took everything from our previous home to put the room together quickly. This room is a bit smaller and with two larger twin beds it felt so cramped. We also don’t have a playroom in this house and I wanted to utilize their room better for play so they will hopefully stop bringing 500 toys into the living room daily (haha). Here is a before and after!

You can see how little space there is between the beds. It also just felt so flat & not like a fun girls room at all! Definitely needed a little sprucing….

These bunk beds are so darling and I was so glad to find an option that wasn’t too high from the ground, they both love it! I was going for a pink-rainbow-princess vibe as my 2 youngest are very much girlie girls. They were so excited and the space feels so much more functional. Here are links to the bunk beds, canopy, wall bubble stickers and hopscotch rug from amazon, they are all good quality and added lots of fun pops of color to the room.

Fun facts: The name signs above the dresser are from each girls nurseries, my mom heart wasn’t ready to get rid of them. And the pictures above are drawings the girls uncle designed with them & he had put on canvases!
So excited to have this room finished and the girls are so excited to have a ”fun room”!